
Studio Information


Studio Information

What is hot yoga?

Hot yoga is instructor led Hatha yoga classes in a heated room. Depending on the class type the temperature is set between 95o and 105o Fahrenheit (35oto 41oC). Most classes also have relative humidity set to 40%. 

The heat serves several purposes. Firstly, it warms the body completely, allowing deeper expression of postures and increased flexibility. This quickly allows new students, who have not yet learned more advanced yogic breathing techniques, to achieve postures in which they achieve 100% of the benefits. 

Secondly, the heat causes sweat...lots of sweat. Yoga is about purifying the body and the mind. In the hot room, students can not help but to activate an efficient channel of purification and detoxification for the body. 

Most importantly, the heat tames the mind. Very quickly, the practitioner learns not to fight the heat but to accept it. As this happens, over time you learn to ignore your senses, the endless stream of thoughts they set off and the judgements your mind codes them with. Instead you learn to focus all of your concentration on a single point and find an ability to be present. Once everything else disappears you experience peace and eventually learn how to maintain that peace long after your asana practice ends.

Of course this happens in non-hot yoga styles as well! The heat here is a "prop" to help expedite your progress. As you advance your control of the mind will persist in and out of the yoga studio, hot or not. However, advanced practitioners can continue to enjoy the heat for the physical benefits.

Are all of the classes hot?

No. Ember has a hot studio and a non-hot Zen room. Ember has many traditional Hatha Raja yoga classes offered in the Zen room at normal temperature. This includes regular classes that are on the weekly schedule, as well as special classes and workshops. Classes offered include Dharma Yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Kundalini yoga and mat Pilates. Ember also has kid's yoga classes based on the Grounded Yoga program.

What is the difference between regular classes and workshops?

Ember has over 50 regular classes on our weekly schedule. These are classes led by our local, exceptional teaching staff and provide instruction in yoga to help you build a solid, complete practice.

From time to time we schedule special workshops or master classes. These are either led by our regular staff or visiting instructors. These events allow our local community to learn from distinguished teachers and gain new insights into various subjects. Generally workshops are specialized topics or themes that we feel compliment and add value to the regular curriculum we offer in our regular classes. As in other disciplines, teachers of a regular curriculum often have special interests or projects that they devote their time & energy to researching, experimenting and developing. Workshops are often the presentation of that type of detailed information. 

Workshops are usually priced separately from our regular rates.

Do you have showers and lockers?

Ember has men's and women's locker rooms with multiple tiled showers, vanities and changing areas. These spaces were designed for you to take full advantage of the amenities and stay as long as you wish following your class. We have cubbies and hooks to store your personal items. Please leave your valuables at home or take them into the yoga room with you.

What is your "community" class?

Several times per week Ember offers community class on a donation basis. The suggested donation amount is $10, but any amount at all is acceptable.Click here for more information about community classes.