Aaron Pareigis



Aaron Pareigis

Embarking on my yoga journey, my primary aim was to embrace meditation as a beacon of hope within my 12 Step Recovery. From this starting point, my journey has woven a tapestry of diverse experiences, each contributing to my growth as a practitioner and instructor.

I established a solid foundation with 200 hours of training at Be Yoga in Marietta, paving the way for deeper exploration. My journey led me to specialized trainings, including 100 hours with Joe Sarty at Ember Hot Yoga, 50 hours with Douglas Johnson of Mahāpatha Yoga, and an additional 50 hours in Yin Yoga.

Delving into the yoga literature, I dedicated 100 hours to online instruction with Seth Powell, a PHD at Yogic Studies in the Yoga Sutra and the Bhagavad-Gita. This scholarly exploration deepened my understanding of yoga's ancient wisdom and philosophical underpinnings, enhancing my expertise and allowing me to embrace the profound teachings of different yoga practices.

My yoga journey commenced with a profound purpose: to harness meditation as a catalyst for my 12 Step Recovery. Guided by the transformative principles of yoga, I discovered that its lessons extended far beyond the mat. Through yoga, I learned how to heal my physical body, navigating the delicate balance of strength and surrender. Simultaneously, I experienced a profound spiritual healing, rooted in self-exploration and a dedicated connection to a higher power.

Central to my journey has been an unyielding passion for guiding others on the path of self-discipline—a path that leads to the realization of one's highest potential. This transformative journey, I've come to understand, often emerges from a place of personal suffering. It is through the crucible of suffering that we find the key to growth and self-realization.

With every step of this transformative journey, I've learned that the path from suffering to empowerment requires unwavering dedication, patience, and compassionate guidance. It's a path that has ignited within me an ardent commitment to share the art of self-mastery—a path that empowers individuals to transcend adversity and rise to their fullest selves.

My aspiration is to foster a community where the wisdom of yoga, meditation, and self-discovery converge, enabling fellow seekers to embrace their suffering as a catalyst for profound transformation. Together, let us embark on this journey of healing and empowerment.